
St. Francis Xavier Province, India

Saturday, January 19

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

At least once a year, many Christians become aware of the great diversity of ways of adoring God. Hearts are touched, and people realize that their neighbours' ways are not so strange.  
The event that touches off this special experience is something called the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Traditionally celebrated between 18-25 January (in the northern hemisphere) or at Pentecost (in the southern hemisphere), the Week of Prayer enters into congregations and parishes all over the world. Pulpits are exchanged, and special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services are arranged. 

Theme for 2013

Theme : What does the Lord require of us?
(cf. Micah 6:6-8)

The theme of the Week of Prayer 2013 was prepared in India. It was decided that in a context of great injustice to Dalits (“outcasts”) in India and in the Church, the search for visible unity cannot be dissociated from the dismantling of the cast system and a greater appreciation of the contribution of the poorest of the poor to unity. Meditating on the call of the Prophet Micah, to “walk humbly with your God” means walking in solidarity with all who struggle for justice and peace. It also means walking beyond barriers that divide and damage the children of God. God requires of us today to walk the path of justice, mercy and humility. The path of discipleship involves walking the narrow path of God’s reign and not the highway of today’s empires. We need to understand that peace and unity are complete only if founded on justice.
“God of compassion, send us your spirit to breathe life and healing into our brokenness that we may witness together to the justice and love of God; walk with us towards the day when we can share in the one bread and the one cup at the common table.”

1 comment:

  1. Green indicates the eternal life. become ordained online This is why the Christmas tree has to be an evergreen tree that doesn't lose its leaves during the winter.
