It was a moment of pride to recall and to tell the people about the first Carmelite Missionary - Juana Gratias. We tried to make a short documentary. All our communities enthusiastically celebrated the birth bicentenary and they involved the CMS. The CMS was enthralled to participate in this historic moment.

The birthday was the initiative from the Generalate and our sisters keenly followed the guidelines given. There were four corners mentioned for the celebration namely Corner of Laughter
Corner of Friendship
Corner of Palautian Friendship
Corner of Music

Apart from these corners, there was a mention of some of the letters of Fr. Palau to Juana which was also highlighted during the celebrations.

The CMS participated with greater fervour in all the celebrations. They did come to our communities and participated in the Eucharist and shared meals with us. It was a great experience to know the struggles Juana went through and how she surmounted above all struggles and tried to fulfill the dreams and vision of Fr. Palau.

She is a classic example of how we turn odds into opportunities. She is a model for all of us sisters to remain faithful to the charism and to the call. Fr. Palau said "To live in Carmel, I need only one thing - vocation." But Juana showed it in her life. She was the scorn of even her own sisters and she was sidelined yet she remained faithful to her call as a religious. She didn't have a dignified life, even at death no one claimed her but today she enjoys the heavenly bliss with our Lord.
May we emulate her virtues and fidelity in our life.
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