Celebrating Spiritual Childhood (1st
October 2020)
are occasions to make us to ponder and to reflect the life of the saint and to
draw inspirations for ourselves. St. Therese our patron’s entire life is an
inspiration but for us who are getting to know her closely for the first time, it
was a journey that uplifted our spiritual life. The 9 days of novena which was
a preparation for the feast prepared us with various themes. Her spiritual
childhood is the sum of all that. She would say “true happiness on earth
consists in being forgotten and in remaining completely ignorant of created
things. I understood that all we accomplish, however brilliant, is worth
nothing without love.” Love ruled her whole life. She wanted to remain as LOVE
in the heart of Mother Church. We understood how important it is to make love
the centre of our lives.
Our Feast day began
with a procession with lamps lit, it was a message that we wanted to tell all
that the lamp of love has started burning in our lives and is going to glow in
the whole world, whether small or big in whatever we do or say, there will
always be love. The liturgy was meaningfully prepared by the novice mistress
Sr. Mini Cyriac with creative pauses were given to emphasis the words of
Therese and also to make us understand the simplicity with which she prayed.
The Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Patras Kujur, SJ, our spiritual director
and confessor. He introduced St. Therese as a prayer warrior who spent her life
doing sacrifices and sang songs of gratitude to the Lord. Her whole life was
but a prayer of thanksgiving of Love. She became a victim of love and spent her
life in service of love. His message really encouraged us to become real
messengers of love. In these pandemic times we too like St. Therese could be
within the walls of this house yet become prayer warriors for all those
suffering outside.
The novitiate community
sisters through their simple and humble ways of celebration have made our day
special and memorable. Sisters from all the communities of the province poured
their wishes on the phone and through video chats. We really express our
gratitude and thank God that He chose us to be a Carmelite. We, too like to be another
Therese who would spend our life here on earth doing good.
Novices: Rajini and Shanti,
Francis Xavier Province, INDIA
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