The Carmel buds of Nivalda Dediapada had a very unique experience on the 5th of June 2020, something that would remain memorable for the years to come. The children from the nearby village, Nivalda gathered in our compound and Sr. Shiny explained to them the significance of Environment Day after they were given instructions on how they could become helpers in preserving creation specially by caring for them and also by planting new trees.
The children, who are used to simple ways of Carmelite spirituality, were given knowledge about eco-spirituality - the grace to find God in and through creation. They were greatly enthusiastic. They not only planted few sapling in our compound, they also collected wastes especially plastics from the compound, they also promised to carry the same mission in their locality and make the mission of "No plastic" a daily endeavor.
We greatly appreciate the efforts put in by the community of Dediapada under the leadership of Sr. Shiny Thomas to undertake such challenges amidst lockdown and restricted movements. Congratulations for thinking out of the box. God bless your efforts.